Air pollution modelling over Cyprus (CyI, CUT, DLI, DoM)

The data that will be generated by the atmospheric observations will be used to improve Earth system models and provide a robust regional Air Quality model and specialized climate projections. The main focus will be the implementation and application of a state-of-the-art modelling system over Cyprus in collaboration with national services (DoM, DLI) and the assessment through computational techniques of the effects of climate change on air pollution over the EMME region and more specifically over Cyprus.


  • Assessment of natural (desert dust) episodes
  • Investigation of the impact of climate change on transport and transformation pathways of gaseous and aerosol pollutant
  • Assessment of future air quality conditions, especially desert dust, based on IPCC’s climate change scenarios


Regional Climate Air Quality Modelling
Set-up and configuration of state-of-the-art modelling systems that simulate in an integrated and interactive way the effects of climate change on the meteorological and chemical processes in the atmosphere in order to take into account their links and feedbacks that are recognized as important climate forcing agents.

In-depth model analysis of air pollution sources in Cyprus
In-depth model analysis (and comparison with the WP2 source apportionment results) of contributing pollution sources through assessment of local emission inventories, natural (dust, sea salt, biogenic pollutants, fires) pollution burden, transboundary pollution and meteorological conditions that favor pollution build-up in the region.

Projections of future concentrations of desert dust
Meteorological fields from future climate projections will be used as input to the air quality modelling system of WP5, so as to drive simulation of desert dust transport and derive future levels of dust concentrations.